Thigh lift surgery

After massive weight loss, the skin on the thigh can be very saggy. A thigh lift can help to solve this problem. There are various techniques for lifting the thighs, depending on the initial situation and the patient’s wishes. During a “mini thigh lift”, for example, the incision runs from the groin to the buttock crease.

The thigh lift is a relatively major procedure that is performed under general anesthesia with subsequent monitoring in the hospital. The various surgical techniques each offer advantages and disadvantages, therefore they should be selected regarding the patient’s initial situation and the desired result. The attending specialist will explain this individually in a personal consultation.

It is important to note that in the event of complications and/or follow-up treatments in the case of a thigh lift performed for aesthetic reasons, health insurances companies usually don´t cover the full costs of the medically necessary treatments. The associated financial risk for the patient can be absorbed by taking out our safe4beauty cosmetic surgery insurance.

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